Sun.Jun 30, 2024

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Why Bad Ideas Don’t Just Die

Digital Tonto

I recently read David Sanger’s new book, "The New Cold Wars," which was excellent in many ways. It was very well sourced, often insightful and excellently written. It was also riddled with relatively minor errors. These didn’t really affect the story he was trying to tell, but they were annoying and undermined an otherwise excellent book. What probably happened is that the fact checker was intimidated by Sanger’s prominence and didn’t call him out or didn’t bother checking facts that, truth be

Culture 108
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An Introduction to Strategic Foresight

Innovation Excellence

GUEST POST from Stefan Lindegaard Strategic foresight is an essential discipline for organizations aiming to navigate an increasingly complex and uncertain future. It involves a systematic exploration of potential futures to inform strategic decision-making. This approach enables organizations to anticipate changes, identify opportunities, and mitigate risks, thereby ensuring their long-term sustainability and competitiveness.